In the Greater Paris, Sevran has a strategic position: close to airports and natural areas. The city is developing a major project with the arrival of the two metro stations planned for 2024.
The project aims to set up a new, intense and accessible, light and metropolitan urbanity. Particles with the LIN agency developed the plan guide and work on the operational implementation of the project.
The project leans on these 6 themes: The great allée, the landscape span, 3 differents neighbourhoods, mobility and metro stations, revealed networks, and empowerment and prefiguration.

Architecture and Urban: LIN (mandatary), Particules
Landscaping: Michel Desvigne Paysages
Mobility: IBV Husler

Status: Issued study
Site: Sevran (93)
Client: City of Sevran, EPA Plaine de France, Grand Paris Aménagement
Area: 400 ha
Date: 2016-2018
Budget: 250,000 euros

Master plan, Coordination of the STA project approach, operational zooms and capacity studies, Monitoring and coordination of the development of the winning project of the call for projects Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris.

Sevran in the Greater Paris