
European Heritage Days

For the past year, we have been working on the urban project Bois Perrin for the city of Rennes on the former Guillaume Régnier child psychiatric site. After a year of regular residencies on the site to forge links between the site's history and its future, we are co-organizing the European Heritage Days on 22th September. Program of the day: a large shared meal, artistic performances, exhibitions, crossings and guided tours to plunge into the singularity of this site in transformation.


New Project

The University of Lille has commissioned Particules and Grandtour to realise a study for the redevelopment of the Pont de Bois Campus in Villeneuve d'Asq. In 8 months’ time, the study will produce an urban and landscape guide plan for this campus built in 1976 by Pierre Vago.



The model of the Gare des Mines Fillettes ZAC project created by Particules and Pierre Loup Boisseau will be presented at MIPIM in Cannes, and will soon be on the ZAC site, where Particules will be in charge of the urban and architectural coordination.



Particules welcomes the first NOXI editorial board to its offices for the launch of NOXI’s magazine first issue


New Project

The team wins the call for tenders from the Greater Paris Metropole and EPA Marne for the urban renewal of the Mont D'Est district in Noisy le Grand. Particules, in collaboration with Michel Desvigne landscape architects, Alphaville, Zefco, Urbaneco, Egis and Berenice, will elaborate the masterplan while initiating transitional projects as early as 2024. The team is happy to work on the transformation of this urban monument, built in the late 70s.



Particules is in residency at the Bois Perrin site in Rennes . This second residency, open to the public, enabled us to map existing buildings, identify potential resources for reuse, as well as reveal past and current uses of the site. It also aimed at opening the site to the neighborhood. A lot of information to provide concrete input for the Guideline Document and the first plot sheets in the coming months.



The selection jury for the first plot of the Zac Bois Perrin in Rennes met on February 07. The 4 candidates selected for This future open-air nursery’s competition will sketch out the first architectures of the operation, in dialogue with the existing buildings and ensuring a large part to vegetation


New Project

The team won the tender for the “Route de Rennes” project for Nantes Métropole. Together with Une Fabrique de la ville, Etablissement, Acadie and Ingerop, Particules will be in charge of the urban renewal project for this key city entrance. This includes several tasks : guide plan - urban, architectural and landscape coordination, tactical urban planning for public spaces - support for urban project consultation. We took Nantes Métropole's desire to change its model very seriously, to stop thinking in terms of development for and by the car. We therefore developed a methodology that invites us to look at this route de Rennes With renewed eyes, looking for transverse paths, thicknesses, situated uses and everyday polarities.



Ecofeminism and bioregionalism: an introduction; As part of the Territoire liquides Master's studio at ENSAN, Fabienne sketches out the links between ecofeminist thought and action and bioregionalist approaches. "Living animate nature was declared dead, while dead inanimate money was endowed with life. Nature, women, blacks and workers were given a new status as 'natural' and human resources offered to the modern world system. Perhaps the ultimate irony of these transformations lies in the new name they were given: rationality." Carolyn Merchant The Death of Nature.


New Project

Particules wins the tender for urban project management for the ZAC Bois Perrin in Rennes. The Particules team includes SOJA (heritage), Cuesta (cultural urban planning), Zefco (environment and low-carbon) and HBLA (landscape). Following on from H2O's guide plan, Particules will Elaborate the general guidelines document and the specific plots principles, and oversee coordination. Alongside Cuesta, Particules will initiate a cultural urban planning approach In order to open up the site to the neighborhood, in conjunction with Transitory practices currently present on site: EUR Caps de Rennes2, Cœur Résistants, the CCAS, etc.


Out of Office

Particules spent 5 days in northern italy: between Milan, Venise and Valdobbiadene In Milan, we met the metropolitan city’s department in charge of the Parc Agricolo Sud project. A very instructive morning discussing strategies for maintaining agricultural activities in the heart of Milan's metropolis. At the Venice Biennale we smelled the mycelium, and in Valdobbiadene we tasted Prosecco.



As part of the ADS ADP study for the sustainable development of the resort and beaches of La Tremblade with the GIP littoral, the team is organizing workshops with local stakeholders and partners to explore a number of issues in greater depth and gather concerns/questions/ideas. Topics covered: - Enhancing La Tremblade's year-round appeal - Supporting changes in mobility - Adapting tourism practices to climate change - Designing La Tremblade's future urban development in line with its identity - The future of the town's beaches



NOXI is the winner of the Caisse des Dépôts sponsorship program. This sponsorship will enable us to complete the publication of the first issue of NOXI magazine, scheduled for autumn 2024.


New Project

On the eve of 2023’s summer, which once again promises to be particularly worrying, and which will undoubtedly mark a new acceleration in the awareness of climate change, it is with both enthusiasm and concern that our team approaches this new mission for the sustainable development project for the beaches and territory of La Tremblade, launched by the Commune and the GIP littoral. Situated on a sandy peninsula on the Atlantic coast formed by two estuaries, the commune of La Tremblade is in a remarkable geographical position for thinking about a territory in motion, beyond risk management. In this very special environment, we will have to reconsider anthropic uses in order to preserve ecosystems in a context of climate change. The team is composed by: Particules (team leader) D'ICI LA paysagistes concepteurs, Vraiment Vraiment, Egis conseil , Voltere by Egis.



Festive feedback day for the Lanester Urban study “s’entrainer sans trainer”. After a year and a half, the urban definition study and the s'entrainer sans trainer approach were presented to the public at the junior sustainable development fair in Lanester. How do we overcome the difficulty of projecting ourselves into the ecological bifurcation that is so necessary? "Solving the climate crisis is the biggest and most ambitious challenge ever faced by Homo Sapiens. Yet the solution is so simple that even a child could understand it (...). But what exactly can be done when there is no political will?" (Greta Thunberg). And at the local level, if this will can exist, what can we do when there is no cohesion, no common movement, no shared impetus? What stories must we invent to have the strength to change course? It's all about training... and not dragging your feet!



The team is in residence in Villerupt. workshop; visit to the Working-class villlages being renovated by the EPA (Public development establishment walk along the river (the Alzette), and survey by the monumental retaining walls and the open-air mines, only elements preserved from last century’s steelmaking era.



Jury for the national urban planning award 2023 Fabienne is invited to participate in the jury for the national urban planning award 2023. Very happy with the jury's choice.



Conference open to the public organised by NOXI at the Grenoble Cinémathèque. Visit to the “cité de l'abbaye”; screening of Yasmina Benabderrahmane's film and discussion with the artist; three round tables entitled: " Transitory and laissez-faire, how far can we go? mediated by Pascale Dubois, urban planner; Laboratory - Local democracy: the safeguards mediated by Justinien Tribillon, urban planner and essayist; Between Saturn and Europe mediated by Joseph Hanimann, writer and journalist.


New Project

Particules won the tender for the urban renewal of the Belvedere working-class village neighborhood in Villerupt for the Alzette Belval EPA. Our team includes Particules, Michel Desvigne paysagiste (MDP), Soja, architectural firm specializing in heritage, and Arcadis, an engineering consultancy, with skills in VRD, structures, polluted sites and soils, and geotechnics. In this formerly industrial area, cross-border dynamism and site geo-morphology are vectors of a new narrative