The 2017 session of the workshops of the territories led by the Ministry of Territorial Cohesion, was entitle: Better living together in the suburbia.
For the Troyes agglomeration, the approach was based on uses add to a dynamic prospective method at -10 and +10 years which reveals discrete forms of transformations; distorted links with the agricultural trades; a growing demand for public spaces of nature; a slow change in food consumption and an increase in the supply of services for fifteen years from municipalities close to the agglomeration.
4 topics have been developed: Public spaces of nature, Realistic alternatives to the car, New relations between cities and countryside and a Pooling necessary for the maintenance and development of supply.

Architecture and Urban: Particules
Geographer and political scientist: Acadie (mandatary)
Public policy design: Vraiment Vraiment

Status: Issued study
Site: Troyes agglomeration (FR 10)
Client: DDTM de l'Aube
Date: 2016 à 2018
Budget: 80,000 euros

Strategy of territory built with local actors, Organization and animation of three workshops with elected officials and local actors, Implementation of a participatory strategy, Elaboration of a roadmap, National restitution.

New suburban uses